DPC PDIP Secretary Jembrana Ni Made Sri Sutharmi

Jembrana (Metrobali.com) –

Transmission of HIV-Aids is still worrying. In Jembrana Regency the number of people with HIV-AIDS continues to grow. Even hundreds of people died from this disease.

In Bali, Jembrana Regency ranks 5th out of the number of HIV-AIDS sufferers. Sexual risk is the highest cause of transmission of HIV-AIDS, besides the use of syringes.

Seeing this condition, DPC PDIP Jembrana, Saturday (7/3) carried out socialization activities on the dangers of drug abuse and HIV / AIDS. The series of 47th PDIP Anniversary was held in the Mendopo Kesari building, Banjar Tengah Village, Negara District.

The socialization was attended by hundreds of people from Yowana from Jembrana, both youth clubs and communities, Seke Teruna Teruni, high school / vocational high school students, administrators of the PAC, Branches and Branch Children, PDI-P throughout Jembrana.

In the activity participants received material about the dangers of drug abuse with a resource person of the Chairman of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Jembrana Regency I Made Kembang Hartawan who is also the Chairperson of the PDIP in Jembrana Regency.

Sementara materi terkait bahaya HIV/AIDS disampaikan oleh Koordinator Komunitas Jalak Bali pemerhati masalah HIV/AIDS di Jembrana, Made Suarnayasa.

Koordinator Panitia Kegiatan yang juga Sekretaris DPC PDIP Jembrana, Ni Made Sri Sutharmi mengatakan dari data yang ia dapatkan sejak Januari hingga November 2019 total kasus baru HIV di Jembrana sebanyak 95 orang dan di tahun 2018 terjadi 104 kasus. Sedangkan total kasus HIV-AIDS dari tahun 2005 hingga 2019 mencapai 1.047 kasus, dimana 235 orang diantaranya meninggal dunia.

“Ini yang terdata saja. Kalau se-Bali sekitar 22 ribu lebih. Ini memang seperti fenomena gunung es. Karena itulah kita tidak bisa tinggal diam. Kita harus peduli akan hal ini dan ini menjadi tanggungjawab kita bersama” jelas Sutharmi, Sabtu (7/3).

Through this socialization, he continued, it was hoped that the participants present and especially the younger generation would be able to find out about the dangers of drugs and HIV / AIDS to further avoid them. (Komang Tole)